CMMI Institute Partner Directory

Our Partners are licensed to deliver authentic services through highly trained individuals.

Hatch LTK

Hatch LTK

100 West Butler Ave, Ambler, PA 19002, USA

Phone: 215-643-8736


About Us

As the single most experienced transit vehicle and systems consultant in North America, Hatch LTK has been actively involved in the majority of the major passenger rail projects in the United States. With offices in 28 cities worldwide, a staff of more than 350 engineers and technical specialists with expertise in all areas of passenger rail, Hatch LTK provides unmatched technical expertise and managerial capabilities. Hatch LTK provides services predominantly to rail transit authorities, railroads, municipalities, state agencies and the federal government. The firm’s clients operate a wide range of modes, including high-speed rail, intercity rail, commuter rail, rapid transit, light rail, streetcar, freight, people mover/automated guideway transit and bus systems. Now as a part of the Hatch group of companies, the broad range of technical and management capabilities available with the Hatch Infrastructure group enables Hatch LTK to provide an even wider range of services to our rail and transit clients such as urban planning and solutions, freight rail, and tunneling.

Areas of Focus

  • CMMI Training

Countries/Regions Served

  • United States
  • Australia
  • Canada

Languages Spoken

  • English

Sponsored Individuals

Marilyn McIntire Phillips

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV

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